function views_menu_alter
3.x views.module | views_menu_alter(&$callbacks) |
2.x views.module | views_menu_alter(&$callbacks) |
Implement hook_menu_alter().
- ./
views.module, line 395 - Primarily Drupal hooks and global API functions to manipulate views.
function views_menu_alter(&$callbacks) {
$our_paths = array();
$views = views_get_applicable_views('uses hook menu');
foreach ($views as $data) {
list($view, $display_id) = $data;
$result = $view->execute_hook_menu($display_id, $callbacks);
if (is_array($result)) {
// The menu system doesn't support having two otherwise
// identical paths with different placeholders. So we
// want to remove the existing items from the menu whose
// paths would conflict with ours.
// First, we must find any existing menu items that may
// conflict. We use a regular expression because we don't
// know what placeholders they might use. Note that we
// first construct the regex itself by replacing %views_arg
// in the display path, then we use this constructed regex
// (which will be something like '#^(foo/%[^/]*/bar)$#') to
// search through the existing paths.
$regex = '#^(' . preg_replace('#%views_arg#', '%[^/]*', implode('|', array_keys($result))) . ')$#';
$matches = preg_grep($regex, array_keys($callbacks));
// Remove any conflicting items that were found.
foreach ($matches as $path) {
// Don't remove the paths we just added!
if (!isset($our_paths[$path])) {
foreach ($result as $path => $item) {
if (!isset($callbacks[$path])) {
// Add a new item, possibly replacing (and thus effectively
// overriding) one that we removed above.
$callbacks[$path] = $item;
else {
// This item already exists, so it must be one that we added.
// We change the various callback arguments to pass an array
// of possible display IDs instead of a single ID.
$callbacks[$path]['page arguments'][1] = (array) $callbacks[$path]['page arguments'][1];
$callbacks[$path]['page arguments'][1][] = $display_id;
$callbacks[$path]['access arguments'][] = $item['access arguments'][0];
$callbacks[$path]['load arguments'][1] = (array) $callbacks[$path]['load arguments'][1];
$callbacks[$path]['load arguments'][1][] = $display_id;
$our_paths[$path] = TRUE;
// Save memory: Destroy those views.
foreach ($views as $data) {
list($view, $display_id) = $data;