function tripal_create_bundle

3.x tripal_create_bundle($args, &$error = '')

Creates a new Tripal Entity type (i.e. bundle).


$args: An array of arguments that must include the following keys:

  • vocabulary: The abbreviated vocabulary for the vocabulary (e.g. RO, SO, PATO).
  • accession: The unique term ID in the vocabulary $vocabulary (i.e. an accession).
  • term_name: A human-readable name for this term. This will became the name that appears for the content type. In practice, this should be the name of the term. (E.g. the name for SO:0000704 is gene).

$error: A string, passed by reference, that is filled with the error message if the function fails.

Return value

The bundle object or FALSE if failure.

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tripal/api/, line 430
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function tripal_create_bundle($args, &$error = '') {
  $vocabulary = $args['vocabulary'];
  $accession = $args['accession'];
  $term_name = $args['term_name'];
  $storage_args = $args['storage_args'];

  $transaction = db_transaction();
  try {
    // First create the TripalVocab if it doesn't already exist.
    $vocab = tripal_load_vocab_entity(array('vocabulary' => $vocabulary));
    if (!$vocab) {
      $vocab = entity_get_controller('TripalVocab')->create(array('vocabulary' => $vocabulary));

    // Next create the TripalTerm if it doesn't already exist.
    $term = tripal_load_term_entity(array(
      'vocabulary' => $vocabulary,
      'accession' => $accession
    if (!$term) {
      $targs = array('vocab_id' => $vocab->id, 'accession' => $accession, 'name' => $term_name);
      $term = entity_get_controller('TripalTerm')->create($targs);
      $term = $term->save();

    // If the bundle doesn't already exist, then add it.
    $bundle_name = 'bio_data_' . $term->id;
    $einfo = entity_get_info('TripalEntity');
    if (!in_array($bundle_name, array_keys($einfo['bundles']))) {
      // Make the label for the content type have capitalized words.  The
      // exception is 'mRNA' which we know should not be uppercased.
      $label = ucwords(preg_replace('/_/', ' ', $term_name));
      if ($term_name == 'mRNA') {
        $label = $term_name;
      // Insert the bundle.
          'label' => $label,
          'type' => 'TripalEntity',
          'name' => $bundle_name,
          'term_id' => $term->id,

    $bundle = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('name' => $bundle_name));
    $modules = module_implements('bundle_create');
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_bundle_create';
      $function($bundle, $storage_args);

    // Clear the entity cache so that Drupal will read our
    // hook_entity_info() implementation.
    global $language;
    $langcode = $language->language;
    cache_clear_all("entity_info:$langcode", 'cache');
    variable_set('menu_rebuild_needed', TRUE);

    // Get the bundle object.
    $bundle = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('name' => $bundle_name));

    tripal_create_bundle_fields($bundle, $term);

    $modules = module_implements('bundle_postcreate');
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_bundle_postcreate';
  catch (Exception $e) {
    drupal_set_message(t("Failed to create content type: %message.", 
    array('%message' => $e->getMessage())), 'error');
    return FALSE;

  return $bundle;