function tripal_load_vocab_entity

3.x tripal_load_vocab_entity($values)

Retrieves a TripalVocab entity that maches the given arguments.


$values: An associative array used to match a vocabulary. The valid keys are:

  • vocab_id: integer id of the vocabulary.
  • vocabulary: string name of vocabulary.

Return value

A TripalVocab entity object or NULL if not found.

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function tripal_load_vocab_entity($values) {
  $vocabulary = array_key_exists('vocabulary', $values) ? $values['vocabulary'] : '';
  $vocab_id = array_key_exists('vocab_id', $values) ? $values['vocab_id'] : '';
  $vocab = NULL;

  $query = db_select('tripal_vocab', 'tv')

  if ($vocabulary) {
    $query->condition('tv.vocabulary', $vocabulary);
  if ($vocab_id) {
    $query->condition('', $vocab_id);
  $vocab = $query->execute()->fetchObject();

  if ($vocab) {
    $entity = entity_load('TripalVocab', array($vocab->id));
    return reset($entity);
  return NULL;