function tripal_example_add_cvterms

2.x tripal_example.install tripal_example_add_cvterms()

Adds controlled vocabulary terms needed by this module.

1 call to tripal_example_add_cvterms()


tripal_example/tripal_example.install, line 244
Installation of the example module


function tripal_example_add_cvterms() {

  // EXPLANATION: for our test module to work we need to add some terms to our
  // example_type controlled vocabulary. Ideally we should have a full OBO file
  // for loading but sometimes we just have a small list that won't really
  // change so we can add those terms here.
    'id' => 'test', // the term accession
    'name' => 'Test type', // the human readable term name
    'cv_name' => 'example_type', // the CV name this term belongs to.
    'definition' => 'A test type for the example module.',
    'db_name' => 'example_db', // the database in which the term is found.