function tripal_example_install

2.x tripal_example.install tripal_example_install()

Implements hook_install().

Performs actions when the modules is first installed.


tripal_example/tripal_example.install, line 70
Installation of the example module


function tripal_example_install() {

  // EXPLANATION: Here is a good place to add any materialized views, controlled
  // vocabularies CV, databases or CV terms needed by your module.
  // To keep this module code short, create functions to do each of those tasks

  // add any materialized view

  // add any external databases used by the example module.

  // add any controlled vocabularies used by the example module. You may need
  // to add a vocabulary if you to set it as default (see next lines of code).
  // For example, the Sequence Ontology (SO) is used by the feature module as
  // the default vocabulary for the feature type_id field. But, that vocabulary
  // does not yet exist in Chado until after the SO is loaded using the Tripal
  // OBO loader. But, we can add it here as a place-holder so that we can then
  // set it as a default vocabulary (see below).

  // add any controlled vocabulary terms

  // EXPLANATION: Many tables in Chado have a 'type_id' column which allows for
  // association of controlled vocabularies to describe the record. Chado places
  // no restrictions on which vocabularies can be used, but Tripal can be
  // instructed to provide a default vocabulary for any given field. For
  // example, the feature.type_id column will typically use the Sequence
  // Ontology. In that case, we can use the tripal_set_default_cv() function to
  // specify the Sequence Ontology (sequence) as the default vocabulary.
  tripal_set_default_cv('example', 'type_id', 'example_type');
  tripal_set_default_cv('exampleprop', 'type_id', 'example_property');
  tripal_set_default_cv('example_relationship', 'type_id', 'example_relationship');

  // add any custom tables. For this case we will add an 'example' table to the
  // chado schema