Tripal Views Module API

  1. 2.x tripal_views/api/ tripal_views_api
  2. 1.x tripal_views/api/ tripal_views_api

@file API functions for Tripal Views Integration

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tripal_views/api/, line 3
API functions for Tripal Views Integration


Name Locationsort ascending Description
tripal_views_get_table_lightest_priority tripal_views/api/ Retrieve the priority of the lightest priority for a given table
tripal_views_get_lightest_priority_setup tripal_views/api/ Retrieve the views integration setup with the lightest priority for a given table
tripal_views_get_setup_id tripal_views/api/ Retrieve the views integration setup with the given priority/table combination
tripal_views_is_integrated tripal_views/api/ Check to see if this table already has an integration record with the given priority
tripal_views_is_lightest_priority_setup tripal_views/api/ Checks if you are dealing with the lightest priority setup for a given table
tripal_views_integration_add_entry tripal_views/api/ Add views integration records into the tripal_views* tables
tripal_views_integration_export_entry tripal_views/api/ Export Views integration records
tripal_views_integration_remove_entry_by_table_name tripal_views/api/ Removes a View Integration Entry
tripal_views_integration_remove_entry_by_setup_id tripal_views/api/ Removes a View Integration Entry
tripal_views_integrate_all_chado_tables tripal_views/api/ Integrate all chado tables in the schema api. This integration only occurs once and sets all Chado tables to a priority of 10
tripal_views_get_integration_array_for_chado_table tripal_views/api/ Returns the array needed to integrate a given chado table with views
tripal_views_add_node_relationship_to_chado_table_integration tripal_views/api/ Adds the joins necessary to link a chado table to it's node counterpart
tripal_views_clone_integration tripal_views/api/ Clone an integration
tripal_views_add_field_to_integration tripal_views/api/ Adds the given field to an existing or cloned integration. In the case of a cloned integration, the lightest integration is used as the template for the clone.
tripal_views_remove_join_from_integration tripal_views/api/ Remove a join from an integration