function tripal_ws_get_services

3.x tripal_ws.module tripal_ws_get_services()

The callback function for all RESTful web services.

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tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module, line 131
The Tripal Web Service Module


function tripal_ws_get_services() {
  global $base_url;
  $service_path = $base_url . '/web-services';

  // This should go out as ld+json
  drupal_add_http_header('Content-Type', 'application/ld+json');

  // Add a link header for the vocabulary service so that clients
  // know where to find the docs.
  $service = new TripalDocService_v0_1($service_path);
  $vocab = tripal_get_vocabulary_details('hydra');
  drupal_add_http_header('Link', '<' . $service->getServicePath() . '>; rel="' . $vocab['sw_url'] . 'apiDocumentation"');
  drupal_add_http_header('Cache-Control', "no-cache");

  try {
    $ws_path = func_get_args();
    $args = $_GET;

    // The web services should never be cached.

    // The Tripal web services bath will be:
    // [base_path]/web-services/[service name]/v[major_version].[minor_version]
    $matches = array();
    $service = '';
    $major_version = '';
    $minor_version = '';
    $list_services = FALSE;

    // If there is no path then we should list all of the services available.
    if (empty($ws_path)) {
    // A service path will have the service name in $ws_path[0] and the
    // version in $ws_path[1].  If we check that the version is correctly
    // formatted then we can look for the service class and invoke it.
    else if (preg_match("/^v(\d+)\.(\d+)$/", $ws_path[1], $matches)) {
      $service_type = $ws_path[0];
      $major_version = $matches[1];
      $minor_version = $matches[2];
      $service_version = 'v' . $major_version . '.' . $minor_version;
    // If the URL doesn't match then return not found.
    else {
      throw new Exception("Unsupported service URL: '" . $ws_path[1] . "'");

    // Get the service that matches the service_name
    $service = NULL;
    $services = tripal_get_web_services();
    foreach ($services as $service_class) {
      if ($service_class::$type == $service_type) {
        $service = new $service_class($service_path);
        if ($service->getVersion() == $service_version) {
        $service = NULL;
    // If a service was not provided then return an error.
    if (!$service) {
      throw new Exception('The service type, "' . $service_type . '", is not available');
    // Adjust the path to remove the service type and the version.
    $adj_path = $ws_path;

    // Now call the service to handle the request.
    $response = $service->getResponse();
    print drupal_json_encode($response);

  catch (Exception $e) {
    $service = new TripalWebService($service_path);
    $response = $service->getResponse();
    print drupal_json_encode($response);