function tripal_ws_list_services

3.x tripal_ws.module tripal_ws_list_services()

Generates the list of services as the "home page" for Tripal web services.

Related topics

1 call to tripal_ws_list_services()
tripal_ws_get_services in tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module
The callback function for all RESTful web services.


tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module, line 222
The Tripal Web Service Module


function tripal_ws_list_services() {
  global $base_url;
  $base_path = $base_url . '/web-services';

  // Create an instance of the TriaplWebService class and use it to build
  // the entry point for the web serivces.
  $service = new TripalWebService($base_path);

  // Get the list of web service classes.
  $services = tripal_get_web_services();

  // Create the parent resource which is a collection.
  $resource = new TripalWebServiceResource($base_path);

  // Add the vocabulary to the context.
  $service = new TripalDocService_v0_1($base_path);
  $resource->addContextItem('vocab', $service->getServicePath() . '#');
  $resource->addContextItem('EntryPoint', 'vocab:EntryPoint');

  // Now add the services as properties.
  foreach ($services as $service_class) {
    if ($service_class == 'TripalDocService_v0_1') {
    $service = new $service_class($base_path);
    $resource->addContextItem($service_class::$type, array(
      '@id' => 'vocab:EntryPoint/' . $service_class::$type,
      '@type' => '@id',
    $resource->addProperty($service_class::$type, $service->getServicePath());

  $response = $service->getResponse();
  print drupal_json_encode($response);
