Tripal API

  1. 2.x tripal_core/api/ tripal_api
  2. 3.x tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module tripal_api
  3. 1.x tripal_core/tripal_core.module tripal_api

Tripal provides an application programming interface (API) to support customizations and creation of new extensions. @

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tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module, line 16
The Tripal Web Service Module


Name Locationsort descending Description
tripal_ws_init tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module Implements hook_init()
tripal_ws_menu tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module Implements hook_menu(). Defines all menu items needed by Tripal Core
tripal_ws_get_services tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module The callback function for all RESTful web services.
tripal_ws_list_services tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module Generates the list of services as the "home page" for Tripal web services.
tripal_ws_services tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module The callback function for all RESTful web services.
tripal_ws_load_remote_entity tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module
tripal_ws_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module
tripal_ws_remote_data_single_field_pull tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module
tripal_ws_entity_info_alter tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module Implements hook_entity_info_alter()


Name Locationsort descending Description
Data Collections tripal/api/ New with Tripal v3 are data collections. A data collection can be compared to a "shopping cart" system where site users can collect data of interest to them, and use that data later for other purposes. By default, Tripal offers data…
d3js tripal/api/ D3.js is a JavaScript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers. It makes use of the widely implemented SVG, HTML5, and CSS standards. For more information on how to use d3js please see
Data Collections tripal/api/ Deprecated legacy api code from Tripal 2. Please see for the new Tripal 3 functions.
Tripal Entities tripal/api/ Provides an application programming interface (API) for working with TripalEntity content types (bundles) and their entities.
Tripal Fields tripal/api/ Provides an application programming interface (API) for working with fields attached to TripalEntity content types (bundles).
Files tripal/api/ Provides an application programming interface (API) for managing files within the Tripal data directory structure.
Data Importing tripal/api/ Provides an application programming interface (API) for working with data file importers using the TripalImporter class into a chado database.
Jobs tripal/api/ Tripal offers a job management subsystem for managing tasks that may require an extended period of time for completion. Tripal provides several administrative tasks that may time out and not complete due to limitations of the web server. To circumvent…
Notify tripal/api/ Provides an application programming interface (API) for improved user notivications. These API functions can be used to set messages for end-users, administrators, or simple logging.
CV Terms tripal/api/ Tripal provides an application programming interface (API) for working with controlled vocaublary terms. Tripal v3 is highly dependent on controlled vocabularies for identifying all content types and fields attached to those content types. However,…
File Upload tripal/api/ Tripal provides a convenient HTML5 Javascript uploader. It is automatically embedded into the TripalImporter class. This application programing interface (API) provides support for working with uploaded files.
Variables tripal/api/ Provides an application programming interface (API) for managing variables associated with Tripal managed content. The Tripal Variables API supports storing any type of variable such as a property or setting that should be associated with a Tripal…
Bulk Loader tripal_bulk_loader/api/ All functions in this file provide an API to administrative management of bulk loader templates.
Chado Properties tripal_chado/api/ The Chado Properties API provides a set of functions for interacting with the any chado prop table.
Web Services tripal_ws/api/ {@ The Tripal Web Services API provides a set of functions for interacting with the Tripal Web Services.