function tripal_cv_init_tree

1.x tripal_cv_init_tree($cv_id, $cnt_table = NULL, $fk_column = NULL, $cnt_column = NULL, $filter = NULL, $label = NULL)

Generates JSON needed for jsTree Root-level Branches

This function returns the JSON array for the jsTree jQuery code that builds a tree for browsing the ontology. This function should be called to generate the root level branches of the tree.

Related topics

1 call to tripal_cv_init_tree()
tripal_cv_update_tree in tripal_cv/includes/


tripal_cv/includes/, line 187
@todo Stephen describe this file


function tripal_cv_init_tree($cv_id, $cnt_table = NULL, $fk_column = NULL, 
$cnt_column = NULL, $filter = NULL, $label = NULL) {

  // get the list of root terms for the provided CV
  $sql = "
    SELECT *
    FROM {cv_root_mview} CRM
    WHERE cv_id = %d
  $results = chado_query($sql, $cv_id);

  // prepare the SQL statement that will allow us to pull out count
  // information for each term in the tree.
  if ($cnt_table) {
    if (!$filter) {
      $filter = '(1=1)';
    $cnt_sql = "
       SELECT, CVT.cvterm_id, CNT.$cnt_column as num_items
       FROM {$cnt_table} CNT
        INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT on CNT.$fk_column = CVT.cvterm_id
       WHERE $filter AND CVT.cvterm_id = %d
       ORDER BY $cnt_column desc

  while ($term = db_fetch_object($results)) {
    $name = $term->name;
    $count = 0;
    if ($cnt_table) {
      $cnt_results = chado_query($cnt_sql, $term->cvterm_id);
      while ($cnt = db_fetch_object($cnt_results)) {
        $count += $cnt->cnt;
      if ($count > 0) {
        $name .= " ($count $label(s))";
    $content[] = array(
      'attributes' => array(
        'id' => $term->cvterm_id,
      'state' => 'closed',
      'data' => $name,
      'children' => array(),

  return $content;
