function tripal_cv_update_tree

1.x tripal_cv_update_tree()

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1 string reference to 'tripal_cv_update_tree'
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tripal_cv/includes/, line 143
@todo Stephen describe this file


function tripal_cv_update_tree() {
  $content = array();
  $ontology = 'sequence';

  // get the id of the term to look up
  $cv = check_plain($_REQUEST['cv']);
  $term = check_plain($_REQUEST['term']);
  $tree_id = check_plain($_REQUEST['tree_id']);

  // get the options needed for this tree from the tripal module that
  // wants to create the tree
  $tripal_mod = preg_replace("/^(tripal_.+?)_cv_tree_(.+)$/", "$1", $tree_id);
  if ($tripal_mod) {
    $callback = $tripal_mod . "_cv_tree";
    $opt = call_user_func_array($callback, array($tree_id));

  // get the CV root terms
  if (strcmp($term, 'root') == 0) {
    if (!$cv) {
      $cv = $opt['cv_id'];
    $content = tripal_cv_init_tree($cv, $opt['count_mview'], 
    $opt['cvterm_id_column'], $opt['count_column'], $opt['filter'], $opt['label']);

    // get the children terms
  else {
    $content = tripal_cv_get_term_children($term, $opt['count_mview'], 
    $opt['cvterm_id_column'], $opt['count_column'], $opt['filter'], $opt['label']);
